5 Habits That Can Improve  Life

Socially: Close your social media ID's. Cutoff some unwanted people from your life. Make some genuine friends. Start Saying No to people. Stop being available every time.

Emotionally: Never think about past and future. Involve yourself in some work to not to think about anyone Forgive people. Forgiving yourself.

Green Star

Health: Avoid junk food Drink more water Start having balanced diet Have some good breakfast Start doing exercise Get up early in morning Sleep early in night to complete above mentioned point.

For success: Read books Set goals Work hard Try again after failure Stay motivated Talk with people who failed, worked hard and then got success. Start writing something daily.

Life: Sit with your grandparents and parents to get life-living experience. Go on some adventure trips. Make some good hobbies. Work with some NGO on ground to know the reality of life. Have a pet. Most probably a dog. He will make you realise how to be faithful.

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