Best Medicine to stay healthy that too free Without any side effects - you know what? 

That is exercise

Prevents you from 6 deadly diseases

"PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE" By exercising regularly for 30 minutes, you can stay away from 6 deadly diseases.

1. High Blood Pressure Exercise keeps blood flow fine and keeps your blood pressure under control. 2. Arthritis Exercise strengthens the joints and muscles of the body and you are not a victim of pain.

3. Diabetes Exercising reduces your chances of being diabetic by 60%. 4. Immune System of the body By taking a walk every day, the power of your body to fight against diseases goes away.

5. Heart Attack and Stroke By doing regular exercise, you can also be protected from heart disease. With proper blood flow, your chances of having a heart attack and stroke are greatly reduced.

6. Depression or stress   By exercising regularly, you also remain mentally healthy. And you don't get stressed. Meaning you stay away from depression.

That after getting sick, the amount of effort you put into curing that disease. If you put 10% of effort in staying healthy. Then you will never get sick. It is better not to get sick than to suffer