7 Habits of Happy People How To Be Happy In English
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7 Habits of Happy People
Friends, it is the natural nature of human beings to be happy. Why is a small child often happy? Why do we say that childhood days are the best days of life? Because God has made our nature only HAPPY; But as we grow up, our environment, our society, our thoughts start dissolving impurity in us….and gradually the level of impurity increases so much that the natural state of happiness starts turning into the natural state of sadness.
. And some people are always sad, without any reason, they find some excuse to be sad.
But this does not happen with everyone, there are many people in the world who are able to maintain their natural habit of being happy and remain happy for life.
यह भी पढ़े:- खुश रहने वाले लोगों की 7 आदतें
In the life of such a person, like others, sorrow and happiness keep coming and going in their life, but generally such people do not get into small worries and are often smiling and happy.
So the question arises that when these few people can be happy then why not everyone else? After all, what are their habits that keep them happy even in the midst of the tension around the world? So let’s know which are the 7 habits of such happy people. Which causes them to be happy always, which might help you to be happy too. So let’s know about those seven habits.
7 Habits of Happy People How To Be Happy
Habit 1: Happy people see good everywhere. Not Evil (Be Positive)
Human beings have a natural tendency to catch negativity quickly. Psychologists call this tendency “Negative bias”. Most people quickly see what is lacking in others and do not pay much attention to the good, but those who are happy find good in everything, in every situation, they believe that whatever happens is good.
It is very easy to see the good in any person, you just have to ask yourself a question that, “Why is this person good?”, and believe that your brain will count you many such experiences and things that you can see the good in that person. Will be visible
One more thing, you not only have to find the good in people, but you have to be positive in every situation and see what is good in it. For example, if you are not selected in a job interview, then you should think that perhaps Bhagwan has kept a better job for you than that which you will get sooner or later, and you can also ask an experienced person, that too you That’s what it will tell.
यह भी पढ़े:-जीवन का आनंद लेना ही आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग है: श्री रविशंकर
7 Habits of Happy People How To Be Happy
Habit 2: The one who forgives is always the greatest. Forgive too and ask for forgiveness if needed
Everyone has their own ego, which can be hurt by others knowingly or unknowingly. But those who are happy do not take small things to heart, they know how to forgive, not only others but also themselves.
And on the contrary, if any mistake is made by such people, then they do not hesitate to apologize. They know that useless ego will make their life complex, so they never skimp on saying “Sorry”. Whenever I make a mistake, I never try to justify it and accept it and apologize.
Forgiving and apologizing lightens your mind, saves you from unnecessary confusion and disturbing thoughts, and as a result you remain happy.
यह भी पढ़े:-असली ख़ुशी
Habit 3: People who are happy develop a strong support system around them:
This support system rests on two pillars Family and Friends( F&F). F&F has a big contribution to be happy in life. Even if you have all the wealth, fame, but if you do not have F&F then you will not be able to be happy for long.
It might seem like a very simple thing to you, it may seem that you also have very good friends and very loving family, but think about it a little seriously. How many friends do you have, whom you can call without any hesitation even at 3 o’clock in the night to pick up or take financial help anytime?
Family and friends should never be taken for granted, to build a strong relationship, you have to look above your own interests, care for others, and genuinely like them. Improve your relationships as much as possible, small things like wishing a birthday, congratulating, genuine appreciation, meeting smiling, warm handshake, hugging make your relationship stronger. And when you do this, you also get the same in return and makes your life happy.
Habit 4: Those who are happy put their mind in what they do or do the work of their mind:
If you do the work of your interest, then it will definitely increase your Happiness Quotient, but most people are not so lucky, they have to engage in a job or business that is not according to their interest. But the people who are happy work in the work they do, even if they always try to do or get their favorite work.
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I have heard many times people doing evil to their business or the company where they work, have heard their work being called the most useless work in the world, doing so makes your life even more difficult. Happy people do not criticize their work, they focus on its positive aspects and enjoy it.
Keep one more thing in mind. If we look at the happiest people in the world, they will be the people who do their own thing, so if you enjoy what you are doing, it is good to learn from it, but also remember what Steve Jobs said:
Your work will be a big part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you think is really great work…and the only way to do great work is to do what you do. you enjoy.
Habit 5: Happy people don’t believe everything that comes to mind.
According to a research, our brain produces 60,000 thoughts every day, and in the case of a common man, most of these thoughts are negative. If you feed your brain with thousands of negative thoughts daily, then it will be difficult to be happy. Therefore, happy people do not allow the bad thoughts coming in their mind to flourish for a long time.
They know how to give benefit of doubt, they know that what they are thinking may be wrong, what they think is bad may be good. By doing this, a person becomes relaxed, in fact, according to our thinking, such chemicals are released in the brain which make our mood happy or sad.
When you accept negative thoughts as true, then your blood pressure starts increasing and you become tense, while on the other hand when you doubt it, you unknowingly give a signal to the brain to be relaxed.
7 Habits of Happy People How To Be Happy
Habit 6: Happy people associate their life or work with a greater purpose:
Once an old woman was coming from somewhere when she saw three laborers building a building. He asked the first laborer, “What are you doing?”, “I do not see that I am carrying bricks.” He replied.
Then she went to another laborer and asked him the same question, “What are you doing?”, “I am working hard to feed my family?” came the answer.
Then she went to the third worker and again asked the same question, “What are you doing?,
The man replied with enthusiasm, “I am building the grandest temple in this city.”
You can guess which of these three will be the happiest!
Friends, just like this laborer, happy people associate their work with some big purpose, and doing so really makes them happy. I am able to say this also because I see my website chnageyourlife.in in the same way. I think that through this site I can improve the lives of millions of people. I always try that how I share the best things to my readers that positive changes come in their life, and perhaps this is the reason why I enjoy this work and I am really happy and satisfied by doing it. ) would be.
Habit 7: A person who is happy knows how to take responsibility for the things that happen in his life.
Happy people know how to take responsibility. If something bad happens to them, they do not blame it on others, but consider themselves responsible for it. Was Needed.
Gives the credit of your success to others. But he considers himself responsible for his failure. But when we blame others for bad things that happen to us, then anger comes in you, but when you consider yourself responsible then you feel a little disappointed and then start trying to make things right.
I myself also consider myself responsible for every good and bad thing that happens in my life. By doing this, my energy is spent in improving myself instead of finding fault in others, and ultimately increases my happiness.
Friends, it may happen that you already follow some of these things.
But if you found something new which you can adopt in life. Or you can improve it a bit. So that will definitely increase your happiness. Personally, I also have to improve the forgiving quality in my life. So let us together increase our Happiness Quotient and try to live a happy life.
Hope for the best!
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